Prestigious ‘Antisemite’ Speaks in Bristol

Professor Richard Falk was speaking at the Palestine Museum and Cultural Centre recently, as advertised on this poster. The 91 year old is a VIP of international affairs; educated at Harvard and Yale, Emeritus Professor of International Law at Princeton and a UN Special Rapporteur in the Palestinian Territories. It doesn’t get much more distinguished than that, a voice that carries a great deal of weight. Except he’s an ‘antisemite’.

Here we go, you might be thinking, one of the most distinguished voices in International politics comes to speak and all a Zionist website can say is ‘antisemite’! Because any criticism of Israel is demonised as antisemitism? Not quite.

The accusation is in quote marks for a reason. Because it’s not our opinion or view we’re stating, but that of others. More Zionist propagandists? No. Let’s start with…

the Canadian Foreign Minister:

“Once again, United Nations official Richard Falk has spewed more mean-spirited, anti-Semitic rhetoric”

He was described by United States envoy to the UN Joseph M. Torsella as “shameful and outrageous” and “an embarrassment to the United Nations”, and called on to resign.

In response to a claim by Falk on Iranian Press TV that Israel had ‘genocidal intent’ towards Palestinians and is ‘working towards a Palestinian Holocaust’ The US State Department said:

“The Administration has repeatedly condemned in the strongest terms his despicable and deeply offensive comments, particularly his anti-Semitic blog postings, his endorsement of 9/11 conspiracy theories.

After another incident Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird said:

“Canada has previously called for Falk to be fired for his numerous outrageous and anti-Semitic statements and these comments underscore once more the complete and total absurdity of his service as a UN Special Rapporteur,”

To give you an example of Falk’s thinking he described the Boston Marathon Bombing of 2013, where 3 people were killed and hundreds injured as follows:

“The American global domination project is bound to generate all kinds of resistance in the post-colonial world,”

i.e. – they were asking for it.

According to Falk, 29-year-old Krystle Campbell deserved to be murdered

8-year-old Martin Richard deserved to be murdered

23-year-old Lu Lingzi deserved to be murdered.

And Campus Police Officer Sean Collier, 26, deserved to be fatally shot by one of the terrorists.

So, no, this isn’t a Zionist blog dismissing someone with genuine concerns as an antisemite.

That game of dismissal goes two ways; if you have ever yourself dismissed Israel’s concerns and those of its supporters simply as Zionist propaganda then you may be guilty of the same thing; not all criticism by Zionists is ‘propaganda’.

The blue helmeted elephant in the room in this discussion is the UN itself; a beloved organisation run by experts seeking to do good in the world, or something else. I encourage you to look at the work of UN Watch, which feels that the UN is failing in its own goals and promises, that’s something Richard A. Falk seems to be a very good example of.